Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Thursday 4/9/15 Case Study (50 word min)

Sarah works with a great group of guys who have become like brothers to her.  They have a professional yet fun relationship.  They occasionally joke, tease, and play small practical jokes, but is has been a respectful environment.  Recently, Aaron was hired and things have changed.  Aaron is young and talented and having lots of fun at work.  He enjoys the joking and pranks but doesn't seem to know when he's crossed the line.  His jokes now include crude and vulgar references that have become outright offensive.  They are sexually explicit and particularly degrading and disrespectful to women.  

As times, the other guys seem to think he's hilarious, and at times they groan at how disgusting he is.  When Sarah tries to let Aaron know how she feels about his comments, he responds with, "Oh, sorry, I keep forgetting there's a chick working here," or, "it was only a joke!"  Sarah is starting to feel uncomfortable at work and tries to avoid Aaron.  She loves her job and her "brothers" who work there, but she's wondering if she should start looking for a new job.  What should Sara do?  


  1. I think that Sara should probably talk to Aaron once more and if that conversation does not work I think that she should talk to the main boss about Aaron's behavior. If the boss really cares about the working environment he would tell Aaron that he needs to respect the workplace a little more so everyone can maintain good relationships and everyone can maintain a good work ethic. So I think that the boss would be a good solution for Aaron.

  2. I think Sarah should talk with the other guys because if they are like brother they should understand her, if not she should speak someone higher like her boss so Aaron could stop. It is not her who have to change her life in this situation.

  3. I think sarah needs to talk to her "brothers" and tell them how she feels about it too and also aaron. If she is that uncomfortable I would probably start looking for a job. Or even talk to the boss and tell them what all is going on.

  4. I think Sarah first should speak with Aaron about how she feels and he should understand her and change his type of jokes, but if he continues doing the same jokes, Sarah should speak with the boss and the boss should speak with Aaron. I don't think she should look for a new job when she is not the person who cause the problems.

  5. I think that Sarah should talk to Aaron about how she feels when he says his "jokes". She doesn't think it is as funny as her "brothers" do. If her talk doesn't do anything, I thing she should go talk to someone higher up, and make sure they know about what is going on in the work place.

  6. I think that Sarah should talk to Aaron in private and have him actually listen to her at least one more time. If something still does not happen I think that she should talk to her "brothers" about it. If they don't laugh and encourage Aaron to make jokes like that then maybe it will stop.
