Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4/14/15 Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)

CLICK HERE to get to the articles.  Only three reviews per article.


  1. Husband Cooks Wife a Year of Dinners- Yin Yunfeng is a 27-year-old in the Chinese army. He is currently stationed in Tibet, and he only gets to see his wife, Zhao Mai, once a year. The last time he was home he noticed his wife was busy and does not have a lot of time to cook and do other things for herself. Yin did not like that. He decided that he was going to cook for his wife. During his stay home he decided to cook 12 months of dinner for his wife, so when he is away she does not have to cook for herself near as much. He stored all of the food in individual wrappers and in his own freezer and in the freezers of friends and family.

  2. 2015 pork industry scholarships

    The Pork Checkoff has awarded 21 scholarships to college students around the United States. They do this to raise interest in Pork Production. Recipients were selected based on their grades, leadership activities, involvement in the pork production industry and future plans for a career in pork production. I think this is really cool and encouraging for future pork production people.

  3. robot sheep herder
    Two farming brothers in Ireland, Paul and Declan Brennan, bought a drone with a camera they’re using it to herd their small flock of sheep. And it works the sheep actually pay attention to it.

  4. Nitrogen in a ‘Mo Fo Lo Po’ world- Nitrogen is critical to help grow food. In the early 1900’s, an innovation called the Haber-Bosch process allowed engineers to take nitrogen from the air and produce synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. In the USA Nitrogen has leveled off.

  5. Local foods: Red hot, but undefined-
    Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has made promoting locally grown and produced foods one of his top priorities since taking the helm of the department in 2009, dubbing it a pillar of rebuilding the rural economy. He’s mobilized staff, spent millions and rolled out new programs, all in the name of pushing local.

  6. Local Foods: Red Hot but Undefined

    Tom Vilsack has made it is duty to grow and sell his vegetables. He also wants more and more people to join him in that. His plan worked, he got loads of people to join his farmers markets.

  7. Pork check off
    The Pork Checkoff has awarded 21 scholarships to college students around the United States. They do this because they want to raise the interests in Pork Production. Recipients were selected based on their grades, leadership activities, involvement in the pork production industry. I think this is really cool and encourages the future for people who want a career in pork production.
