Monday, May 4, 2015

5/8/15 Friday QOTD (15 word min)

"Some things can only be learned by experience, buts its not ALWAYS the best teacher because it gives tests before the lessons.  Seek mentors. " - @3DCoaches 


  1. I think this means that experiences are good teachers, but it is always good to learn from a teacher and then experience.

  2. Without failure, you'll never know how to properly succeed. You need to know what to do, before you figure it out. If you don't fail, your either a very successful person, or didn't try at all.

  3. you can't fail without trying, and if you try and you succeed, good for you, but you can't always have success without failure...Meaning you need to fail sometimes, before you can succeed in life. And maybe its a good thing to learn the life lesson after life has tested you.

  4. I think that this means that some lessons are going to be learned through mistakes, and others you should learn from someone else because you shouldn't want to go through those.

  5. try new things to figure out if you like it or not.

  6. I think this means that you need to do more things that will help you learn more.

  7. I think this means that lessons are learned with mistakes
