Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wednesday 10/15/14 SAE Challenges

3. Briefly explain what is the single greatest challenge you faced in this award area and how did you overcome that challenge. 

This should again be a minimum of 150 Words
Be specific and provide insight into your management and performance skills.


  1. I think that I have learned very well how to bag peoples groceries. I have learned that you should always put boxes together, always put cold together, and always put the non-colds together like cans, etc. I don't think that I am very good a facing/stocking shelves yet, because I am still learning how to stock/face shelves, so I am not as good at that yet.

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  3. The single greatest challenged I faced and overcame was either learning how to drive the tractor or combine, or learning how to run the tractor or combine, such as what every button and switch actually does and what it means. I simply just asked my dad what each button did and what it means and then he showed me. Overtime as I learned how to drive the tractor. I just kept taking my time and getting a feel for everything and how fast I could go doing a certain thing and still be efficient and not out of control. I asked what everything did and how to use it. I just practiced and over time I get better at it. As I learned better to drive the tractor I also practiced what switch to use in a certain situation. I just kept practicing and here I am today.

  4. The greatest challenge i have faced in dog groomer as its very hard to not hurt the dog or not hurt yourself. But as well as those factors being able to make them sit still. When you do over come your challenges it feels great to understand how to do your SAE well

  5. The hardest part of working was probably the mowing because you had to push mow the whole things and it was up hill but my legs got stronger.

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  7. The greatest challenge of the job would probably be push mowing the big field. We had to mow when it was hot outside in the afternoon because in the morning the grass was too wet to mow. Since the field is a huge hill with a strongly steeping slope it was strenuous and extremely difficult. However, when it was finally done it always looks so nice and the plants are so much healthier.

  8. the hardest part is balancing school work and having to steam for long periods of time

  9. I really haven't had a big challenge at all.

  10. I haven't had big challenges with my "jobs", but I really enjoy doing that because there were two jobs that I chose and I was glad doing that.

  11. what I just said tuesday.

  12. One of the greatest challenges I faced while working at the pool was vacuuming the bottom of the pool. It is like a real vacuum but it is 5 times as big and having to push it up the ram in the deep end against the water is a work out .
