Monday, October 20, 2014

Friday 10/25/14 Re-Check your Goals (50 word minimum)

Go back in the blog archives and find your post on 9/5/14 where you shared your goals.  Copy and paste your goals into your new post and share how you have been moving towards meeting your goals.  Be Honest!  Maybe you have a new goal or need to alter some of your current goals you set at the beginning of the year.  Your response should be a minimum of 50 words.  


  1. I want to get on the honor roll for first quarter. In order to do that I have to study a lot and put forth a lot of effort in my homework.
    I would like to get my house cleaner, for I think it is messy. I have to clean things in my free time and clean up all the messes.
    I want to be a better math student, math is very tough. I have to pay attention more and take more notes.

    I think I will stick with these goals for the 2nd quarter as well. The only thing I would want to add to these is do what I am doing for math, also with chemistry. Math and chemistry are the toughest classes for me and if I do that for both of them I think I will benefit in both classes. Otherwise my other goals I have been keeping up on very well I think.

  2. My three goals are simple.
    become bilingual.
    be graduated and become better in volleyball.
    and be less alone than now.

    I am not bilingual but I think I speak better than before, I still suck in volleyball but I hope I play a little better. I am less alone, I think Marta and I are trying to go to the others. It take time but it is much better than the beginning.

  3. i would like to have high grades- i would have to study hard and work harder.
    i hope to be able to remember to do pearson- Maybe write myself notes or reminders because i forget a lot.
    i hope to have a good attitude- I need to be positve about everything keep my head high.

    Its simply what Ive said i am studying harder writing notes and keeping postive

  4. I would like to keep my good grades up for the whole year. I am going to try really hard in biology because I think that it is going to be a tough year for me in that class, because it is hard, and i think the cat will be kind of hard too.

    I am trying hard to do my best in all of my classes, and I am trying harder to do my pearson and work in science.

  5. Good grades.
    Study hard and take notes.
    Remember to have good attitude
    work hard every day.

  6. I want to be able to make honor role once in the school year. In order to do that I need to take my school work more serious.
    I would like to win a game in football. In order to do that our team needs to work hard and play as a team.
    I want to be a better History student. In order to that I need to pay attention more and try not to fall asleep.

    I have taken my school work more serious.
    We have played as a team.
    I haven't fell asleep and have gotten better grades

  7. I want to be high distinction honor roll all four quarters, and straight A's.
    I want to make state volleyball, because I believe that we can.
    I also want to make state in discus as well, and push Mads enough that she makes it too. Also Brittany, though they both don't need much.

    With my first goal, I am pretty sure I still me the requirements for high distinction honor roll but I am not sure. However, I have a 91 in algerbra so I don't have straight A's so this quarter I will have to work harder. The goal for state volleyball is coming up. And state track is wayyyy out there.

  8. I would like to make honor roll, for once.
    I would like to work harder on my school work.
    I would like to be awesome in One Act, though it is not very fun...

  9. i would like get good grades this year.
    i would like to get more home work done at school so that i don't screw up my sleeping schedule because homework is boring.
    i would like to have a solo in choir.


    i have been working on my grades they've gotten better

    i've still had to do most of my homework at home so i haven't really gotten much done with this goal

    im planning on singing the Star Spangled Banner sometime and thats a solo but i still want to do one for a concert

  10. Get good grades
    Make honor role-
    Have a positive attitude

    To accomplish these goals I need to focus more in and out of the classroom. ANd also keep a positive attitude.

  11. Good grades
    Learn english
    Have a great experience here in the US.

    The good grades I think that could be better so I would try to improve that. Learning english is in process but the hardest thing is the pronunciation so I hope improve that before I go back and at moment have a great experience here is going well.
