Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday 10/14/14 Your roles in your SAE Project

2. Briefly explain how your roles, responsibilities, and/or management decisions related to this award area changed.

Take time to write IN DETAIL more about your SAE.  Use the following questions to complete your responses.  Your responses should be AT LEAST 150 WORDS!

Some areas to cover include:
(1) How have you increased your knowledge and skills related to this area?
(2) How have your roles and responsibilities have increased over the life of your related SAE(s)?


  1. 1) My older sister is a cosmotologist and she has recently showed me how to trim people hair so i thought that it could be any worse.
    2) Yes I'm responsible for keeping my dog clean and his hair well cut.

  2. 1- I have learned how to face/stock shelves, and also bag groceries.
    2 - I have only learned how to face/stock, and bag groceries, but I think that I am going to learn how to check soon.

  3. I just started not too long ago. I worked for about a week and a half. I have increased in knowledge on how to run any type of mower, and edging tools and also weed whackers. My roles haven't really changed.

  4. 1. When I first began working on the farm as the farm hand there was not much that I could do, or at the least do by myself. I either could simply not do it or my dad would either have to help me get started or watch me and help me when I would do it. Now I can do more by myself than before. I can fix some things or do some things by myself now and be pretty much confident on how to do it. My dad just tells me what to do and I can do it.
    2.Before I was just the farm hand and a I did, and still do, a lot of the smaller less hard work or more simple jobs. Now, I still do those jobs but there is also some harder not as simple tasks that I am asked to do. Sometimes I am sent off to run an errand by myself or fix something or get something by myself. As I get older there is more and more that I should know how to do and be able to do so one day I will be able to tell someone what to do and be able to explain it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I learned so much more about growing a substance crop. Such as how much work that it takes to actually take care of it and make something out of it for a living. To take care of it we had to weed around the plants thoroughly, water it with the big sprinklers, remove the plants that died because of winter kill, mow around the plants after weeding them, and much more.
    When I first started working, my boss was always with me overseeing my work and keeping me busy. But the longer I worked there the more freedom I had and I would know what I had to do for that day.

  7. the ways that i increased my knowledge about my job is by looking up different ways of interacting within the internet community

    my roles have increased because i have to live stream almost every day that i can

  8. I have learned ABout lavendar plants and how they grow the best. LIke the conditions they need or cant have. We take care of the plants like weed around them, and water them.
    At first my boss kept me very busy we started around 7 am in the morning because it got very hot throughout the day. We work hard while it was cool out. then had the rest of the day to relax a little.

  9. Well, I don't have an actual job at the moment, but I worked for my dad over the summer. I learned how to fix fences at the sewer lagoon, stain fences on main street, even though there is more stain on the street rather than the fence itself. I also helped clean up the cemetary after the storm broke branches, and broke some gravestones too

  10. Working as a teacher to my neighbor my roles were helping her with her homework and preparing her test on the school. If she didn't understand something I tried to explain her as best as possible so her can understand it.
    And working in the clothing store my roles were helping the boss when the commodity arrived she explained me how I had to to check that. There I learnt too how was the warehouse organized.

  11. I learn a lot of things in formation but when you learn the most is with the child. for example my first camp I did. we were in a house in the sea and I had the responsibility of the bedroom of 8 girls between 6 and 9 year. one night, after bedtime I was on the hall with other animator and the fire alarm ring. I think i have never been more scared because it was not only my life but 8 children lives. I did what I learn in formation and my team was the first team outside. finally it was a little 4years boys who push the button and there were no fire but it was very scary because we knew that it was not a fire exercise. We didn't know that there were no fire. after that, we went back in the room and the girls were scared and I was shaking but as animator you have to be reassuring and look calm. That was hard but this experience taught me to be responsible in all the situation.

  12. 1. I learned that it is really important to be responsible in this job and you have to be paying attention at all times.
    2. It helped me become more responsible and to be more responsible in what I do.
