Sunday, September 14, 2014

Wednesday 9/17/14 QOTD (15 words)

"Everyone wants to be successful. But very few are willing to make the effort and the sacrifices to become successful." - Alan Stein


  1. In order to be successful in life you have to work hard and make an effort. It does not just come to you.

  2. So many people want to be rich and famous, but never do anything about it. You need to do something about it, if you want it.

  3. Lots of people want to be rich/ famous, but very little people take chances and actually try to be a successful/famous person.

  4. If you want to be successful you have to work up to it. You cant just sit there and wait for it to come to you have to earn it.

  5. You have to sacrifice your time if you want to become very successful. Put time in

  6. if you want to be successful you need to be wiling to do the work.

  7. A lot of people say they want to be successful but do nothing to arrive to this goal. If you really want to be successful you move and make sacrifices and effort to succeed.

  8. If you want to be successful you have to do something to get it, if you don't do anything is very difficult that you get to be it.

  9. I think this means that if you truly desire to be successful you will actually have to put the work into it

  10. it means you actually have to put in time to succeed
