Sunday, September 14, 2014

Friday 9/19/14 Morning Ag Clips

After selecting and reading one article, write your 50 word response on the blog.  


  1. Cool temperatures and rain slowed field work last week, according to the latest crop condition update from the Nebraska field office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Irrigation was in the final stages. Corn silage harvest began in southern counties, and rain delayed hay harvest. It then went on to talk about the different percentages of good crop and bad crop.

  2. The colder temperatures have effected the farmers. and lots of rain this year is taking a long time to dry out. the crops are healthy but the weather isnt helping buy keeping them healthy. We need the weather to be warmer. our crops were planted late and our harvest is going to be late anyways so the weather needs to stop we dont need even a later harvest.

  3. enrollment at NCTA is at a 50% percentage high. Ag experiences are also at a high. Its the highest its been in a total of four years.A lot also doing it online. Which is something different.

  4. When perishable foods near the end of their shelf life, we usually attribute their unpleasant color or odor to some bad species of bacteria or fungi that finally has blossomed, giving a whole new sensory experience to what was once a mouth-watering commodity. Pork sausage has a very long shelf life though, because of their spice blends.
