Monday, March 16, 2015

"3/17/15 Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)"

Click here to get to the Ag Clips.  Make sure only 3 are posted to each article.  


  1. Kevin Bacon and Eggs- The American Egg Board plans to use Kevin Bacon as an ad campaign to help people better learn about eggs and their nutritional value. Egg consumption has risen up over the last few years. People are eating them more and more and seeing how good they are and how good they are for you. Eggs can be healthy if they are cooked and eating in a healthy way of course.

  2. The Family Peach Farm-
    Mas Masumoto grew up on a peach farm in Southern California. It was a place were the government imprisoned Japanese-Americans during WWII. He decided he wanted to preserve the old peach trees as a memorial for his family and others to see. He even wrote a book about what he is doing, and why he is doing it.

  3. Could the future of farming be indoors?:
    According to Despommier's theory, by as soon as 2050 the world will run short on land suitable for the amount of traditional farming that will be required to feed a growing population. Vertical farming, he argues, would make for more efficient use of the limited land. It also comes with a number of other benefits, including year-round crop production regardless of climate and a shorter distance between farms and consumers.

  4. support for pollinators-
    In 2014, the Horticultural Research Institute established a “Horticultural Industry Bee & Pollinator Stewardship Initiative” with three primary goals. First, to convene a task force to develop a bee and pollinator stewardship program, including creation of best management practices for plant production. Second, to identify and fund research that will help answer key science questions and fill gaps needed to design and refine the stewardship program. Third, to seek to positively position the horticultural community and its customers by collaborating with other compatible groups interested in augmenting pollinator habitat and protection.

  5. Peach farm in California
    Masumoto A book writer and a peach farmer. Masumoto is growing a peach farm in memory of him and his family. Why? becasue of the government that capture the Japanese during the time of WWII in the place where his peach farm is.

  6. Could the future of farming be indoors?

    Why vertical farming could be on the verge of a revolution.

    Caleb Harper ponders: Could the future of modern agriculture be found completely indoors? His new project to answer this question is called the the CityFARM project. A team of 15 researchers led by Harper can be found operating the project's small indoor vertical farm. The CityFARM team includes mechanical engineers, biologists, and architects. They manage pests, monitor water chemistry and grow produce such as tomatoes, leafy greens and herbs.

  7. Peach family of farmers
    Matsumoto is a book writer, and also owns a peach farm. He is growing a peach farm for him and his family, because the government that captures the Japanese during the time of world war 2 in the place of where his peach farm was previously there.

  8. Kevin Bacon and Eggs- They are thinking about using Kevin Bacon to be able to show about eggs and how nutritional they are. More people have been eating eggs and they are seeing how good they are and are wanting more. They are only healthy if they are actually cooked right.

  9. Support for Pollinators-
    The Horticultural Research Institute is pleased to announce it will grant $125,000 in financial support for four key projects as part of the Horticultural Industry Bee & Pollinator Stewardship Initiative.In 2014, the Horticultural Research Institute established a “Horticultural Industry Bee & Pollinator Stewardship Initiative” with three primary goals. First, to convene a task force to develop a bee and pollinator stewardship program, including creation of best management practices for plant production. Second, to identify and fund research that will help answer key science questions and fill gaps needed to design and refine the stewardship program. Third, to seek to positively position the horticultural community and its customers by collaborating with other compatible groups interested in augmenting pollinator habitat and protection.

  10. Could farming be made indoors-

    This could possibly be the best thing i have ever read. Despommier's theory is that hopefully by 2050 the world will run short on land that will be required to feed the population.He also thinks that Vertical farming could be beneficial to the next years.

  11. Kevin Bacon and Eggs- people are thinking about using Kevin bacon to show how good eggs are and how nutritious they are. more people are buy eggs and eating them because they realize how good they are. but you should probably cook them before eating them to protect yourself from harmful bacterias.
