Monday, February 9, 2015

Tuesday 2/10/15 Case Study (50 word min)

Unwelcome Job "Advancement"

When Kaleb takes his break in the staff room, Julia, his supervisor, follows him.  She likes to fix his coffee and hand it to him as she backs him into the corner of the room.  She compliments him on what his is wearing and how good he smells.  She jokingly tells him how good they would look together and what a great team they would be.  He knows she is actually serious because she continually tells him that she could help him get promoted if only they were a couple.  He often talks about his girlfriend and tries to distract her with small talk and work-related conversation.  His is now skipping his break when she is around to avoid getting cornered by her.  Julia makes Kaleb feel very uncomfortable, but he doesn't want to treat his supervisor rudely because he needs this job.  Kaleb has told his girlfriend about the problem, and she is insisting that he do something about is.  What should Kaleb do?  What would you do if you were Kaleb?  


  1. If I were Kaleb in this situation I would tell someone who is in higher power in the company if I could do that. I think that person then would tell Julia that she can not really do that anymore and if she does she could lose her job possibly. I think she would stop then probably. If not I would notify someone else again and probably say goodbye to Julia. I would feel bad for making her lose her job, but she was misbehaving unfortunately.

  2. Kaleb should tell Julia that she is making him uncomfortable. Not only him, but his girlfriend. If she Julia doesn't understand that Kaleb has a girlfriend, he should maybe bring her into work sometime.

  3. If I was Kaleb I would sit down and have a conversation with her about how it makes him feel uncomfortable and how it makes his girlfriend uncomfortable. And if she doesn't stop maybe he should bring his girlfriend to work with him or even start looking for a new job that is similar to the one he is in now.

  4. If I were Kaleb I would first talk to Julia that the way she is treating him makes him feel weird and uncomfortable. This is a work place and they need to be appropriate. If nothing happens after that then he needs to go to a higher level and talk to him or her on what is going on. If she gets fired for inappropriate behavior that is that. Maybe Kaleb will get a promotion.

  5. I would go to someone that is more powerful and tell about julia and how he isnt comfortable with it. Maybe also I would start looking for a job or something

  6. I would get someone who is more powerful than Julia to watch this harassment going on at work, and probably fire Julia, because what she is doing at work is inappropriate, and it make Kaleb feel very uncomfortable.

  7. I would tell her that I am not interested and that I respect her but she have to stop because it is not good for the work area.

  8. I think Kaleb should tell his supervisor that she needs to back off. If she doesn't back off he should think about quitting. I would probably tell her she needs to back off or else I be contemplating quitting.

  9. I think Kaleb should speak about the problem with someone of higher level in the job than Julia and then speak with her, so if Julia gets mad and she speak with someone of higher level he will not lose the job.

  10. kaleb should let julia know that she's making him and his girlfriend uncomfortable and that she needs to back up bra!!! and if she doesn't get the memo then he'd have to talk to a higher official

  11. If I were Kaleb in this problem i would tell someone with more power than I in the company. Then I think that person then would tell Julia that she can not do that anymore and if she does may lose her job. Then if julia doesnt stop I would defiantly tell someone. I would feel bad for making her lose her job but she kinda deserves it.
