Monday, January 12, 2015

Tuesday 1/13/15 QOTD (15 Word Min.)

"When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro." - Larry Bird


  1. I think this means that practice makes perfect and practice is a very good thing.

  2. If you really want something, you must practice enough to where you get things just right.

  3. I think this means that the ones that practice until they are at the level of perfection, and not stopping until they are perfect are the most successful.

  4. I think this means that practicing is the way to become perfect and get what you want.

  5. I think this means that practicing will make you become better as long as you keep working hard.

  6. If you want something then you have to practice a lot and work your butt of, but in the end it is worth it, if you cheat your way to the top, then you never really achieved anything, but learning that it's okay to be a liar and cheater.

  7. practice makes perfect but you don't have to be perfect to be pro

  8. Nobody is perfect and no pro is perfect.

  9. I think that mean that if you want to get good at something you need to practice.

  10. To become a pro at something you have to give it your all until you make sure that everything is right.

  11. it means that practice makes perfect
