Monday, January 26, 2015

1/26/15 Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)


  1. Bovine Respiratory Disease in calves- Zoetis announced the launch of DRAXXIN 25, a lower concentration of DRAXXIN, an injectable solution to treat calves that have bovine respiratory disease. DRAXXIN 25 helps stop and fend off the causes of bovine respiratory disease. It has quickly become a leading choice in veterinarians and producers.

  2. 2015 World Pork Expo:
    This years World Pork Expo is being help in Des Moines, Iowa. It will have many activities like swine shows, sales, and educational seminars. Some people call it the showcase of of Pork Production.

  3. 2015 World Pork Expo

    Expo to be held June 3 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa. The World Pork Expo is sponsored by the National Pork Producers Council. There is lots of activities, including the world’s largest pork-specific trade show, educational seminars, and swine shows and sales.The world’s largest pork-specific trade show features hundreds of commercial exhibits from companies throughout the world. The newest products, services and technologies for producing pork are on display.

  4. Reinventing the potato-
    Ferris Jabr said he haas been severely prejudiced against the potato. Like many Americans, he regarded potatoes as among the most banal of vegetables, but it was before he went to Peru.
    Although most people associate the potato with Ireland and Idaho, its evolutionary birthplace is Peru, a country that, to this day, has far more varieties of the vegetable than anywhere else. Hw traveled to an annual food festival in Lima known as Mistura, where he encountered tables heaping with all manner of bizarre and beautiful potatoes.

  5. 2015 World Pork Expo- The pork expo is being held in Des Moines, Iowa. There are various activities such as educational and swine shows. The are showing newer inventions there.

  6. Bovine Respiratory Disease in calves- Zoetis has launched of draxxin 2 which is pretty much a lower mixture of draxxin its a shot solution to help calves that have bovine respiratory disease. Draxxin 25 will helps stop and rid the causes of bovine respiratory disease. Its becoming a leading decision in veterinarians.

  7. Diseases in calves- The dicision of veterinarians has an impact on the calves health. The bovine respiratory in calves is dangerous but a shot would help decrease chances of them getting it.

  8. good record keeping benefits small farms: people dont want to have to past time on the computer, they want to past their time working on their farm. but keeping better records benefited the small farms.

  9. avia flue confirmed in calif
    FA officials have confirmed avia influenza in a turkey flock in calif. they have quarantined the birds and they wont be entered into the food system.
