Monday, January 26, 2015

1/26/15 Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)

1/27/15 Case Study (50 word min)

Harmless Request?

Gina Marie was recently hired to work as a receptionist for the front lobby.  The company she works for prefers that new hires start at reception and then work their way up.  As a receptionist, she is also responsible for making copies for company associates.  Her friend Bryson stopped by the office during his lunch break to ask her to make 300 copies for him for a college project.  he waited until the last minute to do this and needs them this afternoon.  he brought a package of printer paper from home, but she would still be using the company copier and company time to get it done.  If Bryson doesn't get the copies, he will fail this project.  The company copier does not require a security key, nor do they keep track of the copies made by departments.  

What should Gina Marie do?  

1/28/15 QOTD (15 word min)

The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. | Henry Kissinger 

1/29/15 QOTD (15 word min)

Remember that adversity is not a dead-end but a detour to a better outcome. - Jon Gordon

1/30/15 Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)

The link will be posted later in the week as new "Clips" become available.  Check back on Wednesday for the link.

Here is the Link

Monday, January 19, 2015

Tuesday, January 20th Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)

Wednesday 1/21/15 QOTD (15 word min):

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" Steve Prefontaine

Thursday 1/22/15 QOTD (15 word min)

 Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or a year, but eventually it will subside and greatness will come. Quitting, however,lasts forever.

Friday 1/23/15 Farm Equipment (50 word min)

If you could be any piece of farm equipment, what would you be and why?  Provide a detailed response why you chose what you did.  There is no right or wrong answer, just pick a piece of farm equipment and defend your answer.  

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday 1/12/15 Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)

Click on THE LINK, read an article and post your comments/review of the article.  As stated last week, make sure you are one of the first THREE to review the article.  If three have already commented/posted, you will need to pick a different article to receive credit.  

Tuesday 1/13/15 QOTD (15 Word Min.)

"When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro." - Larry Bird

Wednesday 1/14/15 QOTD (15 word min)

So many people never get anywhere in life because when opportunity knocks, they're in th backyard looking for 4leaf clovers -Walter Chrysler

Thursday 1/15/15 QOTD (15 word min)

An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and dreams in his head

Friday 11/16/15 Case Study (50 word min)

The Case of the Unproductive Employee

As the Director of Student Programs and Engagement, you are responsible for supervising six other employees . It's your second year on the job and you're feeling more and more comfortable with the responsibilities you've been given . You were blessed to have a pretty strong team to supervise and you all get along pretty well . The only weak spot in the team is your coordinator for Intramurals, Kimiko .

Kimiko has a great attitude and genuinely loves the work she does, but there are some things she just doesn't seem to "get ." She is regularly late with her monthly reports, she oftentimes loses receipts for the supplies that she buys, she's not usually on time for meetings, and on more than one occasion you've needed to confront her lack of professional boundaries with student employees . She is always apologetic when you talk to her about these things and she promises to change, but there hasn't been much improvement in the last year .

Things have gotten to the point that you feel it is time to "let Kimiko go" and find a new Coordinator . When you speak to your supervisor about her, he disagrees with you and says it's your job as Kimiko's supervisor to help her grow in these areas . When you try to explain all the work you've done investing in her, it becomes apparent that you're probably not going to win this discussion .

This is your first major discussion with your supervisor on evaluating talent and you want him to have confidence in your ability to supervise well . If you help Kimiko improve, it may make your evaluation of her seem premature and wrong . On the other hand, if you don't help Kimiko get better, you're going to be stuck with her problematic behavior for at least another year .

> What would you do? 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Monday 1/5/15 QOTD (15 word min)

"Courage is the main quality of leadership, in my opinion, no matter where it is exercised." - Walt Disney

Tuesday 1/6/15 Case Study (50 word min)

The Case of the Overnight Guest

It has come to your attention that some female students in an on campus house have invited a homeless woman to live with them . While there are four bedrooms in the apartment, only three of them were occupied prior to their guest, Cindy, moving in about a week ago .

When confronted about it, the students tell you that they asked their roommates and everyone said it was a great opportunity to serve someone in need . They tell you that they are aware of the overnight guest policy and are more than willing to pay the $15 charge per night for housing her .

They have become good friends with Cindy and feel she is very close to finding a job and turning her life around . She just needed a little bit of help to get over the last few hurdles . They have been in contact with various homeless shelters in the area and have been able to find some long-term support for Cindy once the school year ends in a month . The students want Cindy to live with them through the end of the semester and don't see what the big deal is .

> What are some potential problems with this idea? > What would you do? 

Wednesday 1/7/15 QOTD (15 word min)

 If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will grow up feeling stupid its entire life.   Albert Einstein 

Thursday 1/8/15 and Friday 1/9/15 Morning Ag Clips (2 responses each with 50 word min)

Click on the link below to get to the Morning Ag Clips for the week.  THERE SHOULD BE NO MORE THEN 3 REVIEWS PER ARTICLE.  Therefore, those that complete the posts first should not have a problem.  If you wait, you will need to make sure that you select an article that has not already been "reviewed" 3 times already.  This should help the class learn from more then just a couple articles each week.  When you make your response, make sure that you designate clearly which article you and reviewing.  

HINT:  Do your's ASAP so you can do the articles that most interest you!

Don't forget to to an article for Thursday and another one for Friday!