Monday, November 3, 2014

Wednesday 11/5/14 QOTD (15 word min)

 The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence -Vince Lombardi. 


  1. I think this means that Vince is saying we should try and be successful in life. Successful in our own way I think, whatever way that is.

  2. If you take your life seriously, and do what you are supposed to, like going to work and school, and doing your best, you are being successful.

  3. I think this means that we should try to do our best all the time. And that you should do what you think will make you successful. Go PACKERS!!!!!!!!!1

  4. I think this means that take everything you do seriously and never give up

  5. I think this means that the people who are actually successful in life are the ones who take pride in their work and never give up.

  6. Be commited to do well in things you choose to be involved in.

  7. Be committed, and take the things that you do seriously, and try at the things that you are involved in, even if you don't like it, you may learn to love it.

  8. I think that mean that no matters if our life is not perfect, the important is to do our best. we need to be involve in what we choose to do

  9. it mean that if you commit yourself to what you want to succeed in you will succeed

  10. BE committed to what you do and dont give up and succeed

  11. I think that mean if you want to be successful you should do something to achieve that.
