Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday 11/17/14 QOTD (15 Word Min)

"Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?"
- Fanny Brice


  1. I think this means that you should be yourself in life and if someone doesn't like you for yourself, do not waste your time with them.

  2. You need to be yourself, don't change to impress someone. If you have to take the time to impress someone, that person really isn't worth your time, and you need to move on.

  3. Just be you! You will find out people will like you better for who you are not who you are trying to be.

  4. I think that mean that you need to be yourself and it doesn't matter if the people don't like how you are because you can not change yourself. lie to your self all your life is not possible.

  5. Always be yourself. Don't let anyone tell you different. If people don't like you how you are then don't worry what they think. Other people will like you the way you just are.

  6. Be your self and dont be someone you think would be better who cares what people think you are you and were made to be who you are. Your not here to impress anyone, in life people are here to love you for you not someone else

  7. Just be yourself, don't try to change yourself for someone, because if you can't be yourself around them, then who are you kidding you aren't really happy if you have to pretend to be something that you are not. So don't change for anyone, just be yourself, and don't let anyone change that.

  8. I think this means that you should be yourself and not try to be like others because then the important is your own personality not other person that you aren't.

  9. Be your yourself be proud at what you do don't be like others be you.

  10. i think it means that you should be yourself and not care if people dont like you if you like yourself YOLO
