Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday 12/8/14 QOTD (15 word min.)

The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. | Henry Kissinger 


  1. If you are going to be a leader, you need to help others. Wether it is teaching, or showing someone something, you need to be a good leader.

  2. I think this is kind of saying that if you are the leader of the group, then you need to do what is best for the group, and have to help out with that process.

  3. I think this means that a good leader will take his/her followers to another that next level, where they might not have been before.

  4. I think this means that a good leader will help his followers get them out of their comfort zone.

  5. I think this means that a leader doesn't just lead in one place they make other people better in other places too.

  6. The leader is a person who pushes their teammates to get better

  7. this means that inorder to be a good leader you have to be ctive with the people that you are leading you cant just tell them what to do you have to show them as well

  8. I think this means a good leaders take its followers to the good places where they havent been

  9. I think this means the leader should help other to reach their goals and become better.

  10. I think that mean that a good leader has to help people to get better

  11. A leader should always help the group grow as individuals
