Monday, December 1, 2014

Friday 12/5/14 Morning Ag Clips (50 Word Min)

Click on THIS LINK or the link below to get to the Morning Ag Clips.  Choose one article, read it and respond with your thoughts.  Provide a review for other to read to encourage them to read the article.

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  1. Ag leader learned from ground up:
    Dick Mercer began his working life as a bread truck driver became one of Nebraska’s most respected voices in agriculture and conservation. He just died Saturday, but he was the Kearney Hub Freedom Award recipient in agriculture.

  2. Ag Leader Learned From Ground Up
    Dick Mercer learned on the job how to grow crops and feed cattle and was educated about Nebraska’s complex water issues while serving on local, state and national natural resources boards. While doing all of that he also learned one valuable thing, leadership.He grew up as a normal kind of guy, getting his feet wet with everything and eventually learned everything over time. He really liked to help people.

  3. A Year For Deadly Grain Bin Accidents:
    Tim Hansen was going to use a long pole to stop the corn from clogging while it was being loaded into the trucks. His son waited outside the grain bin with a two way radio waiting for his dad. They knew going into the grain bin would be dangerous, so they wanted to be safe, and be able to stay in contact.

  4. Cow-Calf share or lease:
    The prices for cattle are at an all time high and the beef cow numbers are at an all time low. its harder for people to get started in the cattle industry because of such high prices. many older ranchers would like to slow down but they have to keep up with the growing population. The Cow-Calf lease system would help share the revenue and expenses within the cattle industry.

  5. Vesicular Stomatitis diagnosed in Nebraska
    November 24 the department of Agriculture in Nebraska had confirmed the diagnoses for this disease. The NDA are trying to determine the source of the disease and making aure the rest of the livestock wont get this disease. This Makes Nebraska the Third state to have the VS diagnoses. The disease is spread through movement of animals or insects but you have to have contact with fluids or saliva to the animal that has it. This have a effect on the cattle production. THe signs of this would be Blisters on your animal and if you see it you would have to take them to the vet right away.

  6. Cow-calf share or cash caw leases:
    This article says that now is difficult to people start in the cattle industry because the prices are so high despite beef cow numbers in the United States are at historic lows.
    The older rancher would like that now to slow down and go back like at the beginning with the lows prices but they still retain their investment in their cowherd and participate in the current and projected good times ahead.
    Cow-calf share or cash leases can be used as a way to share the revenue and expenses associated with a cow-calf enterprise when multiple people are involved.

  7. Ag Leader Learned From Ground Up
    He learned from the job how to grow crops and feed the animals so he could be able to do it in his future. He grew in leadership and he became a really good leader and people wanted to follow in his steps.

  8. A Year For Deadly Grain Bin Accidents
    Tim Hansen was going to use a long pole to stop the corn from clogging while it was being loaded into the trucks, meanwhile his son waited outside the grain bin with a two way radio waiting for his dad, they knew going into the grain bin would be dangerous, so they wanted to be safe, and be able to stay in contact. Grain bins can be very scary, so you need to take precautions when working in grain bins.

  9. I read the one about being safe around grain bins and i thought that having two people there was a super idea just in case something happened so the two way radio was an awesome way for his son to help safely.

  10. Cow-Calf Share Or Cash Cow Leases
    Cow-calf share or cash leases can be used as a way to share the revenue and expenses associated with a cow-calf enterprise when multiple people are involved. Cattle prices are higher than ever, but beef cows in the United States is at the lowest it has ever been. Cows- calf share or cash leas can be used as a way to share the revenue and expenses associated with a cow calf enterprise when multiple people are involved.
